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Why So Many X-Rays? Your North Raleigh Dentist Weighs in

April 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlisk @ 3:24 pm

woman receiving digital x-ray scanIn your quest to improve your oral health, you’ve decided to take advantage of the preventive care visits that your North Raleigh dentist offers. You’ve learned that, as part of the visit, several X-Ray images will be captured, and you’re wondering why. Your local professional is weighing in to answer that question and much more as you continue reading.

What is an X-Ray?

Also called radiographs, X-Ray images are used to give your dentist a visual perspective between and inside your teeth, as well as the tip of your roots and the bone beneath your gums. Because they allow your dentist to see areas that aren’t visible to the naked eye, X-Ray images give him the ability to diagnose several problems he otherwise couldn’t.

Other Uses of X-Rays

X-Rays aren’t just used to find the cause of a problem. Here are some of their other functions:

  • If you are a new patient, these images help your dentist establish a base line for your oral health. Thus, if any changes occur over time, he’ll have something to compare them to.
  • X-Rays can also be used to monitor your oral health when there have been past issues like cavities or gum disease. Your dentist may recommend more frequent pictures to make sure that no new problems have arisen.
  • Under normal circumstances, your dentist will capture images of your oral cavity at your six-month visits to ensure that your teeth and underlying bone are in good condition.

Are There Different Types of X-Rays?

There several different types of X-Ray images that your dentist can capture to provide insight into your oral health. They include:

  • Bitewing – The most common type of X-Ray taken, the bitewing gives your dentist in North Raleigh an image of the crown of your teeth and helps to identify cavities.
  • Periapical – If he wants to evaluate a tooth’s bone height or root tips, he’ll use a periapical X-Ray. This helps in determine whether a tooth is salvageable when there has been decay.
  • Panoramic – As the root ‘pan’ suggests, the panoramic X-Ray provides your dentist with a complete view of your entire oral cavity, including your teeth and jawbone.

A Helping Hand

This advancement in dental technology, that has been around for over 50 years, serves as a great addition to the expertise of your dentist. If you’re apprehensive about any health risks associated with having an X-Ray image captured, you’ll enjoy the fact that your dentist uses the digital method, which emits 80-90% less radiation than the traditional processes.

To experience the benefits of preventive care and excellent oral health, reach out to your dentist to schedule an appointment today!

About the Author

A graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry in Chapel Hill, Dr. Philip A. Lisk has been caring for patients for over 20 years. Still, he remains just as passionate about oral health as he was when he first graduated from dental school. To learn more about how Dr. Lisk can help you experience the utmost in dental wellness, visit his website.

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